

Over ten years of its existence, IMED Foundation has implemented several projects within its focus areas. Below is a snapshot of projects implemented.

Tanzania Renewable Energy Business Incubator (TAREBI III)

TAREBI III is the third phase of renewable energy business incubator operated by the IMED Foundation Funded by the C.S. Mott Foundation.

Building Employability Capacity of Graduates in the Tourism Sector Project in Zanzibar

IMED Foundation intends to pioneer a graduate internship and employability program in the tourism sector with support from Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth Project.

Tanzania Renewable Energy Business Incubator (TAREBI II)

TAREBI II is the second phase of renewable energy business incubator operated by the IMED Foundation in collaboration with the SELCO Foundation from India and Funded by the C.S. Mott Foundation.

Champions of Charcoal Alternatives

IMED Foundation, partnered with the Vice President’s Office (VPO) – Union Affairs and Environment invited with funding from Shell Exploration and Production Tanzania to organize a challenge to identify clean energy enterprises with potential to scale up production and sales of charcoal alternatives

Tanzania Renewable Energy Business Incubator (TAREBI I)

Tanzania Renewable Energy Business Incubator (TAREBI I) was established by the IMED Foundation in 2004 with support from the Royal Norwegian Society for Development (Norges Vel) in close cooperation with other partners, MDAs and financial institutions.

Women Economic Empowerment in Dar es Salaam

IMED Foundation implemented an innovative project to empower women street food vendors in Dar es Salaam to graduate to more decent and sustainable economic activities.

Mobile App Enabled Entrepreneurship and Business Skills Training

IMED Foundation prepared a Mobile application which empowers learners to develop attitude, knowledge, values and skills required to engage in sustainable business activities.

Innovation in Gender Equity: Supporting Commercialization of innovations

IMED Foundation was approached by Land O’ Lakes to provide Short Term Assistance (SITTA) for the workshop on “Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy and Understanding your Market” for LOL technology innovators referencing activity ‘Enterprise acceleration’.

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