Donors: USAID Feed the Future Advancing Youth (AY)
Country: Tanzania
Project period: June 2021 – May 2022
IMED Foundation intends to pioneer a graduate internship and employability program in the tourism sector with support from Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth Project.
The program will address critical employability skills needed in the market and thus increase youth employability potential. Through a partnership with public and private actors, the program can be sustained and scaled within the tourism and other economic sectors.
Project Main Objective
To enhance youth employment by easing the transition from tertiary institutions to salaried jobs and self-employment through internships, training, and coaching
The proposed project is expected to be scaled through the partnership between the public and private sectors to address youth employability in the Tourism sector in Zanzibar. Lessons from the implementation of this pilot phase can be used to design a cost-effective, sustainable program.
In addition, IMED Foundation maintains an online alumni platform of all beneficiaries of its intervention where they exchange experiences and continue learning and accessing various developmental opportunities. This has been very useful in building individual resilience and motivating perseverance and life ling learning
Project Launch Event Gallery